Crucial Facts About Uterine Fibroids You Must Know!
Crucial Facts About Uterine Fibroids You Must Know! Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous benign tumors that develop in the uterus. There is no exact cause for fibroids and uterine fibroids are asymptomatic.
However, they can cause problems such as excessive bleeding, prolonged menstruation, painful cramps, miscarriages, bloated feeling in the abdomen, etc. All these will indicate the possibility that a woman has fibroids.
Fibroids can be detected using ultrasound or by undergoing a pelvic examination. Early detection will make removal of these fibroids much easier. Fibroids can be treated with over the counter medication, surgery or by using natural remedies like Fibrocure. The first crucial fact that all women should know about fibroids is that to a large extent, they are preventable. No doubt there is no exact cause but we can prevent our bodies from being in a state that encourages the development of fibroids.
In almost all cases, including women with a genetic predisposition, fibroids have a strong tendency to develop in women who have high levels of estrogen. So, one way to keep fibroids at bay, would be to prevent your body from having high levels of estrogen.
This can be achieved by maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity encourages fibroids to grow. A healthy diet cannot be overemphasised. Include lots of fiber in your diet. Reduce caffeine intake, sugar consumption, foods high in saturated fat, etc.
All this is common sense. Yet, all too often we are complacent and think that nothing will happen to us… till something does. Get a strong grip on your diet and exercise self- discipline. If your diet and exercise is right, that is half the battle won.
The second crucial fact you must know is that there are natural remedies that work very well against fibroids. These natural remedies require consistency and take a slightly longer time to work than normal medication. However, slow and steady wins the race.
Over the counter medication treats the symptoms, not the cause. That is why women who have had fibroids removed find themselves developing new ones. They have not addressed the root cause of the problem.
Fibroids must be treated holistically by balancing the hormones in the body, by reducing estrogen levels, reducing stress and obesity, by using herbs to counter the negative effects of fibroids, etc. All these are natural remedies.
Surgery comes with risks and most are often irreversible. For example, a woman who goes through a hysterectomy will not be able to reproduce. This can be devastating to a woman.
It would be wise to try the natural methods first if your situation is not serious. Some of these herbs will control the bleeding and others will actively shrink the fibroids over time.
One of such herbal packs that is very effective against Fibroid is Fibrocure. It is an amazing pack of herbal supplements.
You developed fibroids naturally. The best way to deal with them would be naturally too. There are several guides available online that will teach you to combat fibroids holistically and eradicate the problem. Thousands of women have benefitted from these remedies.
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