10 Annoying Habits Guys Develop After You Become Their Girlfriend
1.UNTIDINESS unlike before they tidy their rooms whenever you are coming by once they get a girlfriend, just really let themselves go. They stop shaving or shave less often. They don’t exercise anymore. They stop keeping their apartment clean. Those kinds of things can really make galz feel like he thinks I’m one of the bros. I’m not. We are having sex. Shave your face if you’re not growing a beard. Hit the gym twice a week. Clean the sink and toilet. Make me feel like you want to keep impressing me. 2. GROSSY... he becomes so open minded that you get to experience all his odd doings like lieing being rude, garrulous, all of a sudden hes no more the cool dude u used to know... cos he stopped pretending 3. ANTI-SOCIAL... they no more send you those enomorous texts anymore unless its your birthday or its Newyear, some guys even stop paging their Girlfriends unlike before his message was what you usually wake up to, but when you fall for him h...